What do we do?

Business organization for the association of companies. Our partners are companies and / or business groups that have their headquarters or decision center in Catalonia and the consideration of a large company in accordance with the Spanish legislation

Employment stability

  • Companies average age: 43,67 years
  • Workers average age: 13,26 años
  • Average salary: SMI X 2,66

High professional qualification

  • Higher grade degrees: 13%
  • Secondary degrees: 13%
  • Vocational Training: 41%

Quality and sustainability

  • Our affiliates have Quality, Safety, health and environment Certifications


Main aggregated magnitudes:

Total billed (2016) 1.050 M
Average age of the companies 13,26 years


Interest group

Legal entity that carries out activities that may influence directly or indirectly on the preparation and application of public policies, in the elaboration of normative proposals or making decisions, in defense of an interest of its own, third parties or of general interest and for the representation, defense and promotion of the common interests of its associates, with special attention:

  • Batch contracting
  • Equitable contracting conditions
  • Dual training empowerment
Av Diagonal 612, 2 - 10, 08021,
Telf. 936.405.555